Gympie Canoe Facilities – Mary River and tributaries

Posted by on Jul 13, 2018

In 2015 Mike Halliburton Associates and Transplan Pty Ltd prepared what is thought to be the first council-wide Canoe and Kayak Strategy in Australia (for the Gympie Regional Council). Subsequently, MHA and Transplan were commissioned to prepare a series of detailed trail development plans for several of the highest priority trail projects highlighted in the Strategy.

These projects have now been implemented. The following photos illustrate the level of development at several canoe/kayak launching points along the Mary River (and tributaries).

Above: Constructed launch area alongside Mary River in Gympie.

Above: Purpose built steel “slide” for ease of movement of kayaks in Imbil.

Above: Kayak launching area in Imbil.

Above: Newly installed “Cane and Kayak Water Trail” signage.

Above: Newly developed parking area at the site of one of the canoe/kayak launch areas.