Shire of Gingin Trails Master Plan

Posted by on Mar 29, 2018

Transplan has been awarded the contract to prepare a Trails Master Plan for the Shire of Gingin.

The Plan will focus on an existing trail in each of the three sub-regional areas within the Shire of Gingin (being the Lower Coastal Region; Upper Coastal Region; and Gingin and Rural). The overall aim is look at how the existing trails can be enhanced. Other existing trails will also be acknowledged in the Trails Master Plan.

The three existing trails are listed below:
1. Lower Coastal Region: Guilderton Boardwalk/Lookout (including trails along the Moore River and Silver Creek).
2. Upper Coastal Region: Hinchcliffe Lookout Lancelin (and connecting path system).
3. Gingin and Rural: Three Bridges Trail (also known as History Walk Trail).